HUPERMAN: Transforming To A Life Beyond Limits

All New! Updated & Expanded by Duane White

You may start out in life as a mild-mannered, ordinary person, but with faith in Christ you step into a new world of possibilities and transform into another person—beyond yourself!

In 2 Corinthians 4:7, the word “excellency” is the Greek word huperbole, which means “to throw beyond measure.” When you add the word huper to another word, it takes that word beyond its fullest extent. God wants to help ordinary people “throw themselves beyond themselves” and go beyond what’s normal, reasonable and expected. It’s time to allow God to pull out of us what’s really in us — Jesus. There’s a huper hero in you!


Endorsements: What people are saying about huperman

“Huperman doesn’t give you the next steps; it invites you into a new dimension of enabling grace and fulfillment.”
- Dr. David Shibley, Founder of Global Advance

“The updates and expansions don’t rehash what was, they refresh the truth of what is!”
- Pastor Tim Ross, Sr. Pastor of Embassy City Church, Irving, Texas

When Duane White first shared his idea of “Huperman,” I thought it was a joke. But once I started to explore the meaning and history of the word, it didn’t take long for me to realize just how powerful it is. His new updated book, Huperman: Transforming to a Life Beyond Limits, is an unusual take on a transformational concept. Get the book. Because everyone has a boundary they need to break through, or a ceiling they need to shatter. 

–Phil Cooke, Ph.D.,  Media producer, consultant, and author of The Way Back: How Christians Blew Our Credibility And How We Get It Back

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